Thursday, November 13, 2008


How will my role change as an educator as technology continues to become more prevalent in our schools? First of all, I will need to invest more time in staying on top of emerging new technology and improvements to existing technology. I will need to become more effecient at incorporating technology into my classroom, and I will need to be able to relate to my students by being able to hold an understandable conversation with my students about the technology that interests them no matter what subject matter I am teaching.

I truly believe that connecting with students is one of the most important peices to educating them. If you can't connect and relate, you will have a very difficult time teaching them. Think of your own history in the classroom, if you didn't like the instructor you tuned them out and held your tongue until you were able to escape from thier class. Do you really want to be that instructor?

So, even if it takes up our time, and even if we don't really care about the latest Mac software ;) , if our students are interested in it then we too should take some time and at least read some reviews on it. I digress. But not really, this too is part of technology in the class room.

I look forward to the day when we no longer use pencil and paper. We won't hear those annoying pencil sharpeners and none of our students will be able to complain about no more lead refills. I honestly tell people on a daily basis that "if you tell me, I'll forget; if you have me write it down, I might lose it; BUT! If you email me, what you request will get done." Maybe you think thats sad or a tragedy, I'm just telling you it's true. So, what changes will I make, I will make computers a staple in my classroom before that time hits so that when it does come I and my students will be prepared and ready.

The End.

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